Commission Rates & Information
- $5.00 Per Lot Minimum Fee
- Rates below are per lot, not on total sales.
- Lots selling under $100 are 30% commission
- Lots Selling $101 to $250 are 25% commission
- Lots Selling $251 to $500 are 20% commission
- Lots selling $501-$1,000 are 15% commission
- Lots selling $1,001 to $5,000 are 10% commission
- Lots selling over $5,000 are 5% commission
- Coins - Silver (90% or higher) and gold are 10%-15% commission
- Firearms selling under $100 are 20% commission
- Firarms selling over $100 are 10% commission
- Items incl. vehicles, trailers, boats, ATVs, etc. may be negotiated or commissions may be capped.
- Commissions include all advertising, set-up fees, website fees, catalog fees, etc.